Leeds AV Group Syllabus 2024/2025

2024 Events
6th September
Archive Evening
Welcome back to the new season with a dip into the group archives in the company of Tim. Joint meeting with WAVG
13th September 3AV Chat/Welcome Evening An informal evening forLAVG members to discuss all things AV LAVG/WAVG
20t September

Jill Bunting - PTE AV Studio

A continuation of Jill's talk from last season on how she uses PTE for all her AV construction Joint meeting with WAVG
27th Septemebr No Meeting
28th/29th September RPS NAVC Championships See the RPS website for details of this event. Trinity University Horsforth
4th October Music, Poetry and Song Challenge Our first challenge of the year - AV's inspired by Music, Poetry and song (or all three!) Submission deadline 12 noon Wednesday 2nd Joint meeting with WAVG
11th October AV Q&A evening 1st half 9Breakout Groups)-3way split acording to expertise for Q&A, 2nd haf together with general tips learned Hosted by WAVG
18th October How I do it - talk by 3 LAVG members Maureen, Dave and Steve talk about some of their recent sequences and the challenges of putting them together, LAVG
25th October 321 entries and discussions A chance to see and discuss the highest entries from the 2024 International 321 competition Hosted by WAVG
1st November Advisory evening/ Members sequences A chance to share new sequences or work in progress for friendly feedback and advice. Submission deadline 12 noon Wednesday 30th LAVG/WAVG
8th November Guest Speaker - Peter Durnall - Wildlife Film Maker Peter will show and talk about a selection of his work. His attention to detai, photography, sound and production are an example to all workers, whether AV or Film Hosted by WAVG
15th November Ian Bateman A selection of AV's and their back stories from Ian Bateman FRPS MPAGB/AV AV-EFIAP, RPS AV Group Chairman Joint meeting with WAVG
22nd November 1 Image or 1 Minute Callenge WAVG Challenge: Make an AV with either 1 image or lasting no longer than 1 minute Hosted by WAVG
29th Novemebr 9-5 Minute Challenge An evening of longer AV's by LAVG members of between 5 and 9 minutes - submission deadline 12 noon Wednesday 27th

Joint meeting with WAVG

6th -8th Decemebr

Great Northern Festival

13th December AV Chat/Christmas competition An informal evening for LAVG members to discuss all things AV/WAVG Christmas Competition LAVG/WAVG
20th December Christmas Quiz Our annual LAVG Christmas Quizz with your host Tony LAVG
27th December No Meeting  
2025 Events
3rd January No meeting  
10th January Adisory Evening/ Members sequences A chance to share new sequences or work in progress for friendly feedback and advice. Submission deadline 12 noon Wednesday 8th LAVG/WAVG
17th January January How to judge Members judge a selection of AV's and discuss comments (Use breakout rooms for small group discussions, prior to getting back together) Hosted by WAVG
24th January

My Way with AV - Colin Harrison
Colin goe and shares a few exampless through his approach to AV making LAVG
31st January How I mad it - 1st half Steve Chilton, 2nd half - others In the first half Steve will show how he makes music videos. The second half will be for other WAVG members to talk about their work. Hosted by WAVG
7th February 321 Competition Our annual Doug Mackrell 321 competition for AV's lastin gfor 3 minutes 21 seconds or less - submission deadline 12 noon Wednesday 5th Joint meeting with WAVG
14th February Music challenge Showing of WAVG AV's made to a set piece of music supplied by members Hosted by WAVG
21st February Tech talk with Tony Collinson
An opportunity to learn new skills and techniques in AV making from Tony (Using PTE and Photoshop) Joint meeting with WAVG
28th February Guest speaker - Rupert Brun - ex BBC Sound Engineer Rupert will share his knowledge and tips to help to help get the best soundtracks you can Hosted by WAVG
7tht March AV Exchange Evening Our annual AV exchange with Beacon Camera Club and East Leinster AV Group LAVG
8th-9th March IAC Peter Coles International  
14th March New Features In Audacity - John Smith John will lead us thrugh some of the new features in the latest version of Audacity sound editing software. Hosted by WAVG
21st March 3 Way Battle Our annual 3 Way Battle between LAVG,Essex and Worcester - scored by the LAVG Committee LAVG
28th March 321 - UK Judging (Also on 29/3/2025 pm and evening if necessary) Live judging over two ights of the 2025 International 321 Competition. Join in with thjudging or just watch and enjoy the AV's Hosted by WAVG
4th April Advisory Evening/WAVG Closed Competition A chance to share new sequences or work in progress for friendly feedback or advice - submission deadline 12 noon Wednesday 2nd Joint meeting with WAVG
11th April TBC - A look at PTE 12 - depending on release date Hosted by WAVG
18th April Good Friday - No Meeting
25th April AV Chat Evening An informal evening for LAVG members to discuss all things AV LAVG
26th-27th April BIAFF
2nd May 5 Image Challenge The results of our annual challenge to create an AV from a selection of images supplied by LAVG members - submission deadline 12 Noon Wednesday 30th April LAVGG
9th May

LAVG Annual Dinner
Held at lunchtime.

This will again be a lunchtime event where we look forward to meeting up with as many members as are able to join us. A great meal not to be missed All members welcome
9th May 4-Way Battle A 4-Way battle etween Adelaide, Exmouth and Worcesterand Wilmslow. Scored by WAVG Members Hosted by WAVG
16th May Top 10 things to improve your photography As Summer approaches (hopefully), Mark brings his thoughts on enhancing your photography. Joint meeting with WAVG
23rd May WAVG Open Competition The WAVG Open Competition for all members, with an external judge giving their comments Hosted by WAVG
30th May WAVG Annual General Meeting WAVG
6th June Showcase The LAVG Showcase Event - A selection of recent sequences made by members (External Judge) Joint meeting with WAVG
13th June LAVG Annual General Meeting LAVG AGM LAVG

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